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District Police

Santa Rosa ISD School District Police Officers are members of the faculty and administrative team working to solve problems in the school community. Acting as a resource to teachers, parents, and students for conferences on an individual basis, and dealing with individual problems or questions, school district police officers provide a supportive role in maintaining campus security and safety. 


Bullying/Behavioral Threat

Santa Rosa Independent School District does not tolerate bullying, which includes cyberbullying. Though we teach all of our students that bullying is wrong, it still occasionally occurs. And, while we would like cases of bullying to be reported to the administration, they are not always reported.


Report Bullying Online

Use the SRISD Bullying Report form to report bullying online and anonymously. We recognize that creating a safe learning environment is a critical part of helping each child achieve academic success. Incidences of bullying may be reported using the form below.


Santa Rosa ISD Bullying Report

What is Bullying? 

Bullying is more than disagreements, differences of opinion, or conflicts that occur between friends and classmates.

Bullying definitions typically include:

  • The person is being hurt, harmed, or humiliated with words or behavior
  • The behavior is repeated or there is a concern that it will be repeated
  • The behavior is being done intentionally
  • The person being hurt has a hard time stopping or preventing the behavior
  • The hurtful behavior is carried out by those who have more power, such as being older, being physically bigger or stronger, having more social status, or when a group of students single out an individual


What is Cyberbullying?

Using technology—internet, email, cell phones, social media, pictures— to hurt or harm someone else.


  • Sending mean text messages
  • Posting statements online that are unkind or not true
  • Sending or posting pictures that are not yours to share
  • Making negative comments online about someone
  • Agreeing with someone who posts something hurtful