Below are the links to our Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) Spending Plan and Return to In-Person Instruction Safety Plan.
A continuación se encuentran los enlaces a nuestro Plan de Gastos del Fondo de Ayuda de Emergencia para Escuelas Primarias y Secundarias (ESSER III) y el Plan de Seguridad para Regresar a la Instrucción en Persona.
See the SRISD Return to School 2021-2022 Protocols, (Updated November 19, 2022) which will continue to be updated as needed.
Santa Rosa ISD ESSER III Plan for Expenditures (Updated October 17, 2022)
Santa Rosa ISD is seeking continuous feedback from all district and community stakeholders to help determine how the district should best utilize these resources to address learning loss, ongoing COVID-19 recovery, and Federal Program grant funds.
Please click on the button below to complete a short survey to provide your input.